Eu gandesc pe aceeashi lungime de unda cu colegul meu de banca, denumit Lucian. Amandoi neam stors creieri pe urmatorul paragraf, pe care lam creeat din plictiseala:
"Her red hot hair flowed, like a fiery river, down her lush body, covering up her tempting, peachy skin. Emerald green eyes piereced your soul, lighting it white-hot, and soft, blood-red lips whispered words of innocence. Watching her gracious body move and dance in the velvet moonlight, like a silk ribbon bending to the wind, slowly posessed your being.
Thow this rather complete creature seemed unreal and nonexistant, it had one fatal flaw that binded her to humanity, that made her a crown of earth and not a machination of supernatural..."
Probabil urmeaza un desen la paragraful asta :P...